I've thought a lot about happiness and its connection with our attitude recently. Looking at the world positively, desire to develop new things, noticing good in our environment. These things lead us to the feeling of luck and success. How can we achieve that wonderful state when we think we can deal with everything that intervene us. That's my opinion about it.
I've thought a lot about happiness and its connection with our attitude recently. Looking at the world positively, desire to develop new things, noticing good in our environment. These things lead us to the feeling of luck and success. How can we achieve that wonderful state when we think we can deal with everything that intervene us. That's my opinion about it.
Let's start with the fact that we will never be happy if we compare ourselves to others and tell that their lives are better than ours, and we should strive to achieve the same. Each of us is different, has different possibilities, different goals. Let us not lose our good points and qualities when aiming for what the other person is. Maybe someone has what most of us can only dream of, but this man will never be so good in something that you are great at.
To achieve happiness, we must believe in ourselves and accept our weaknesses. Nobody is perfect and will never be like that. Life is about complementing each other. It's a bit like advising another person. Sometimes you need to look at your problem from the perspective of someone with different priorities and thinking. Often, it is thanks to the help of another person that we are able to cope with difficulties.
Only when we accept what we have and see the beauty of it, we can be happy. Even small things can be considered beautiful if we look at them properly. It is a pity that sometimes we look above everything and get lost in what we want to achieve. Believe that the world belongs to you and don't wait to be happy.
To achieve happiness, we must believe in ourselves and accept our weaknesses. Nobody is perfect and will never be like that. Life is about complementing each other. It's a bit like advising another person. Sometimes you need to look at your problem from the perspective of someone with different priorities and thinking. Often, it is thanks to the help of another person that we are able to cope with difficulties.
Only when we accept what we have and see the beauty of it, we can be happy. Even small things can be considered beautiful if we look at them properly. It is a pity that sometimes we look above everything and get lost in what we want to achieve. Believe that the world belongs to you and don't wait to be happy.
zdjęcia: WeHeartIt
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Masz całkowitą rację, najważniejsza jest wiara w siebie i we własne dokonania :) Nie ma sensu patrzeć na innych.
Dosyć ciężko jest być szczęśliwym i spełnionym kiedy świat wymaga od nas różnych rzeczy. Dajmy na to jak mamy cieszyć się z małych rzeczy jeśli wiemy, że jutro próbna matura i od niej zależy moja ocena semestralna. Bycie szczęśliwym staje się jakąś legendarną techniką, którą nieliczni są w stanie pojąć. Ja staram się odnajdywać w swoim życiu szczęście na każdym kroku. Nie zawsze jest to łatwe, ale grunt to dobre podejście!
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Ostatnio pomimo,że próbuję być pozytywnie nastawiona na świat to jakoś średnio mi to wychodzi, ale wiem, że jest to bardzo ważne...
Nie ma sensu porównywać się z innymi, zawsze są ludzie którzy więcej od nas osiągnęli, ale również zawsze są ludzie, którzy osiągnęli dużo mniej! Mój blog
ReplyDeletePięknie ujęte :) Moja opinia na temat szczęścia jest bardzo zbliżona do twojej - dostrzeganie tego, co się posiada, możliwość realizacji, wiara to chyba najważniejsze kwestie. Ja osobiście, mimo czasami chwilowych zawahań, uważam się za szczęśliwą osobę.
Od jakiegoś czasu zaczęłam dostrzegać piękno nawet w najmniejszych, skrytych życiowych aspektach :) Warto doceniać szczęście!
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