24 December 2019

How to prepare for 2020?

 I wish you all Merry Christmas! Spend this magical time with people that you love and forget about your worries! 
 2020 is upon us and today I want to show you what to do before it starts and how to have a happy, successful and well-organized year. At the end of the year I always set some goals, but sometimes, I lack the motivation to actually achieve them. I learned a lot about myself and what really needs to be done to give me the strength to go after my dreams. I want to show you a few exercises, really simple things, that could increase your motivation and help you to achieve your goals in the upcoming year.

 Categorize your goals
 Sometimes we want to do so many things that it seems impossible, and we don't even try. You will feel less overwhelmed if you put your goals into different categories. You could have things related to family, work or learning sorted not only on paper but also in your head. Then, you would know when you should devote your time to learning or working, and when to your family and friends.

 Make it specific
 Set goals that are as detailed as possible. It is easier to start doing something towards achieving them when we know exactly what we need to do.  Determine which steps you need to take and set a deadline. It takes a while but truly helps.  

Determine why you want to achieve your goals
 It will be such a huge motivation to consider how you would feel after you accomplish your target. Imagine your feelings once you reach it and how it would affect your life. You can even write it down next to your goal and look at it when you feel unmotivated. 

Celebrate your successeses

In some cases, we reach the goal and don't even notice it. Take a while to reflect on your life. It will make you feel grateful, motivated and fulfilled.


You can write down things that you started doing this year, and want to continue in the next. I personally listed some bad habits and next to them, what should be improved and how. You can even describe the person you want to become.


Speaking of motivation, it is a really important thing. Without it, we wouldn't even start. There are many things that could help us boost it. I always remind myself of the reason I started and why I actually wanted to achieve a particular thing. Also, listening to inspiring people and reading books helps me a lot. 

Don't forget about the whole world

Lastly, I want to mention how important our mental health is. If we aren't in the right place, we won't be able to achieve anything. Surround yourself with supportive people and spend time with them. Don't try to do anything that is against your will and values.

These are some of the things that help me achieve my goals. I hope I helped you, and I will definitely write a post about the things that I want to accomplish in 2020 soon.

How was your 2019? What are your goals for the upcoming year?




  1. What a great tips!!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Gret Post ! Merry Christmas :)

  3. Fajne wskazówki, takie posty mogą być naprawdę dla kogoś pomocne i motywujące :) Ja jednak uważam, że nie powinno się czekać na odpowiednią okazję, właśnie na nowy rok, tylko zacząć coś robić już teraz!
    Pozdrawiam 💖


  4. Świetne wskazówki! Ja pewnie znowu przygotuje sobie jakąś listę z postanowieniami i zobaczymy co tym razem z tego wyjdzie :D


  5. Great tips. I think making our goals more specific really brings us closer to making them happen. Happy 2020!


  6. Celebrating your smaller success can be such great motivation going forward and definitely something we should continue to try and do more of. I always try to set specific goals, still working on my 2020 list though x


  7. What a great tips, thanks for sharing:**Regards !!

  8. I love these tips on organizing for the new year!! YESSS on why you want to achieve your goals. Sometimes, we are so caught up and don't stop to ask ourselves: why? What good does this do for us? If you can answer this, you are good. It is so important to celebrate your wins. Always!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

  9. This is wonderful! You definitely have to be clear on what you want in order to go after it.
    See you in 2020!


  10. These are such great tips- thank you for sharing! I love the feeling of a fresh start at new years - Soph - https://sophhearts.com x

  11. Your tips are important, thank you for remind me about it :)
    Zapraszam :)

  12. Oh these are indeed great tips. I am in the process of writing everything down that has happened to me in my life as I have experienced so much hardship, I finally decided to write all down so as to see it concrete how much has happened and it helps to get out of your head and sorted. Writing things downs does clarify things for sure. And the same applies for goals.

    Hope you had a great holiday and a happy new year.

    Allie of

  13. Great tips!
    I hope you have a great year!
    Happy New Year!

  14. Thanks for this encouraging and positive post.
    Have a great year ahead ♥


  15. Great important post, where you make the main focus, really makes me happy for its necessary of importance.


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